gogol_bordello_jonathan_caseJonathan Case, a local artist, has partnered with SARC in his desire to fight the sexual exploitation of children in our community. Every month, he will be donating proceeds from his art sales to our agency. Here is his message.

Every month, I’m donating a portion of my original art sales to SARC (The Sexual Assault Resource Center), my favorite local nonprofit serving survivors of sexual exploitation and violence. This month, I’ve already contributed $535 out of a possible $1,000. For December, I’ll do the same, up to $1,000. Whether it’s a couple pages of Batman, a color cover, whatever, the first $1,000 goes to SARC. Pretty simple. I’ll start with this model and see how it goes. My intent is to raise funds and awareness for their work throughout next year.

*UPDATE: In 24 hours he met his goal for November 2013.

Donate directly to SARC here: www.firstgiving.com/sarc SARC’s been around since 1977 (they’re featured in this year’s Willamette Week Give! Guide). Begun by two assault survivors, its staff works in the Portland metro area with a current caseload of almost 300 kids at risk for sex trafficking. It’s the same population the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children talks about when they quote stats like this.


Gift Drive for Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking

hopeSARC’s program for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) invites you to participate in our annual holiday gift drive!! Approximately 100 CSEC survivors currently participating in our programs will receive a gift this holiday season…. with YOUR help! 



It is a simple process:

STEP 1) Visit our Target Registry:


STEP 2) Purchasing the  item(s) you’d like to give
STEP 3)  Select the option to have them mailed to

SARC CSEC Program c/o Imago Dai – 1302 NE Ankeny St. Portland, OR 97214

That’s it!!

Our volunteers and staff will do the rest, wrapping and personally delivering the gifts to approximately 100 CSEC survivors currently participating in our programs.

A general gift set will include:

-Comfy slippers
-Super soft blanket
-Makeup set
-Bath & body lotion kit
-Girls Like Us: Fighting for a World Where Girls Are Not 
for Sale, a memoir by Rachel Lloyd

If you want your gifts to be included in the holiday packages the youth will receive, please send the package no later than December 20th. If you miss the deadline, don’t worry! It’s never too late to give and we appreciate the support we receive throughout the year.

Thank you in advance for supporting the incredible youth we have the privilege of working with. Without the love of our family, friends and community we would not be able to do the work that we do!

SARC’s CSEC program

We provide the following services to youth 12-17 years old in Multnomah & Washington Counties:

-24-hour crisis response & advocacy
-Community-based case management
-Accompaniment to law enforcement interviews, medical
exams, and other systems related processes
-Provision of hygiene & medical supplies

new! Resilient Young Adult Survivor Empowerment (RYSE) 

This program provides the following services to young adults 18-23 currently involved in the SARC program:

-Individual case management & advocacy through our
new Drop-In Center
-Law enforcement & court accompaniment
-Skills-based workshops and resource referrals
-Provision of hygiene & medical supplies
-Empowerment & leadership opportunities

Both programs bring a whole lot of love, compassion, & empowerment using a strengths-based model of support to the amazing youth we work with.


For more information on sex trafficking in the U.S. check out these websites:

End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT USA)

Polaris Project 

GEMS (Girls Education & Mentoring Services)

VOLUNTEER: Become an Advocate

We would love to have you as part of our team! If you’re interested in volunteering please read the volunteer options under the GET INVOLVED tab and find a good fit.

**Please send your contact information and top choices via email to volunteer@sarcoregon.org

DONATE: Click the First Giving Button

Donate to support the our work at Sexual Assault Resource Center!

Click on our button on the right to donate through the First Giving website! You can also set up a fundraising page through first giving and donate for a special occasion such as a birthday!

If you are interested in setting up a monthly auto debit to contribute to SARC, we’d be thrilled. Please call our office and we’ll provide you with the details to set up a monthly transaction. Any amount helps! Call us at: 503-626-9100 and ask for Erin or LeAnn.

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a widespread type of violence that many individuals experience in their lifetimes. Sexual assault is defined as any sexual act attempted or completed by force, threat of force, or coercion against another person’s will. This includes fondling, oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse or other unwanted sexual activity. Sexual violence also can include stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and telephone harassment.

It should be pointed out that we are using the term sexual assault instead of the word “rape”. Rape defined by law can be quite different depending on where you live. We will use the term sexual assault to include every kind of forced sexual behavior.

Sexual assault occurs any time a sex-related act is forced upon another person. This definition includes acts of fondling, oral sex, forcing a person to disrobe, voyeurism, photography, as well as intercourse. Sexual acts that do not include the rapist’s genitalia (but rather hands, mouth, or some instrument) are also included.

Sexual assault involves the use of force or threat of force. Anytime a survivor is forced to the point of physical or emotional powerlessness, sexual assault has occurred. Even if the survivor does not fight back, force or threat of force is all that is necessary for the assault to occur.

Sexual assault includes attempted as well as completed acts. Simply being placed in the position of fearing an assault, even if the act is not carried out for some reason constitutes a crime.

It is important to recognize that sexual assault is sexually related, not sexually motivated. There is a fine confusing line between these distinctions. Sexual assault is a violent act expressed through sexual activity, not sexual desire. Sexual assault is not lovemaking; it is an act of violence.

Rapists are not motivated by sexual desire; instead, they are motivated by the desire to control, degrade, and exert power over others. So rapists target those they believe they can intimidate, isolate, and overpower. Most of the time, survivors are people who rapists are acquainted with – maybe socially, professionally, intimately or even part of the same family.

Rapists rarely match our stereotypes of who we believe is dangerous. Often, they are men with appealing looks and engaging personalities who are skilled at gaining someone’s trust. They test potential survivors’ boundaries – over time, or at first meetings, to be sure that they won’t be met with resistance. They attempt to catch their target off guard in homes, cars, or in other private locations where they do not expect that others would intervene. They generally deny their assault, or, suggest that survivors provoked them or that sexual activity was consensual.

Rapists make active, conscious choices. Regardless of the choice a survivor makes that may create the opportunity for the rapist to strike, the rapist remains exclusively responsible for the violent act they choose to inflict.


Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you find the information you are looking for and learn something new. We are currently working on updating our website in order to provide you with easier access to information, ways to volunteer and our ongoing services within the community.

Please look around and get in touch with us!