Spotlight: Welcoming Our New LatinX Case Manager

Randali-DeBrSARC welcomes Randali deSantos as our new LatinX Case Manager!

It is with great excitement that SARC announces Randali’s addition to our Case Management team. We did a brief Q & A with her so you could get to know her as well as her plans for SARC’s LatinX Program.

Q: How did you first get involved with SARC?

A: I first got involved with SARC in 2014 as a volunteer advocate, after finding an ad through Hands On Greater Portland. I had just moved to the area from California, and I was looking for options to get involved in the community, and hopefully make a bit of a difference, while staying in touch with my passion and school background.

Q. How did your experience as an advocate shape your desire to continue doing this work?

A: I have had a wonderful (though sometimes heavy) experience as a SARC advocate. I love how caring and involved the organization is with its volunteers, and how much we’re encouraged to be confident that we can help and do the right thing. My experience seeing the positive impact an advocate can make during one of the most awful moments in a person’s life made me realize that this work can help empower survivors, and I wanted to do more to help survivors in the LatinX community.

Q. SARC’s program used to be known as the Latina Program, what is the significance of changing it to the LatinX Program?

A: As we are looking to make the program more accessible and inclusive, I think it’s important to acknowledge the intersectionality within the community. Words matter, and names matter, by changing the name from Latina to LatinX, we’re letting the community know that we are a safe place, regardless of the way they identify.

Q. Can you explain the role of your position?

A: My position will require a combination of program coordination and case management. I’ll be taking on clients who self-identify as LatinX or Hispanic, and who are interested in follow-up services. The program coordination role will involve creating or renewing community partnerships, both with service providers, businesses, educators and survivors. We’ll need to think about what case management looks like in a culturally informed way.

Q. How would you like to see the LatinX program grow and expand?

A: I’m really excited about the LatinX program! I am excited to expand our relationships with the community, and think of ways to create service avenues that can be accessible for a population that is underserved. I’m looking forward to bring cultural competency training to SARC staff, and to make our services more inclusive.

En español >

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