SARC’s Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Program addresses the root causes of sexual violence through education in Washington and Multnomah Counties. We believe that sexual violence is preventable. Through critical conversations about harmful cultural beliefs and the promotion of healthy social norms, we provide the tools to build a community free of sexual violence.

To that end SARC provides sexual violence related informational training and consultation to organizations and agencies throughout the surrounding community. This includes local area high schools & colleges, medical professionals, mental health agencies, volunteer organizations, and social service providers.



Costs and staffing requirements may vary. Please contact us to discuss your budget!

  • Colleges, Businesses, Medical Providers and Government agencies: $125 per hour. Hourly fee applies to training preparation, facilitation time, and number of staff needed for workshop(s).
  • Culturally Specific non-profits and community partners: Contact us to discuss rates.


  • SARC overview and abridged SA 101- FREE (preferred 1 ½, can do in one hour)
  • Sexual Violence 101: History and root causes
  • Sexual Violence 102: Tactics, dynamics, and impact
  • Vicarious Trauma, Self Care, and Creating Containers for Conversation
  • Healthy Dating 101
  • Teen Dating Violence
  • Supporting Survivors
  • Trauma Informed Cared with Survivors of Sexual Violence

SARC can consult and create specialized trainings for topics or challenges that your organization/business/community is facing.

Please reach out to our Education & Training Program Manager for more information kirstenl@sarcorgeon.org

  • Sharing Survivors’ Stories: Avoiding Sensationalism Without Compromising Impact
  • Media Literacy and Sexual Violence
  • Hookup Culture

The field of violence prevention, and sexual violence specifically, is constantly evolving and growing. It is informed by survivors’ expertise, advocate experience, community needs, known best practices, social movements, and the larger present culture. SARC trainers have a learner’s mindset while simultaneously bringing informed perspectives, practiced expertise, and unique knowledge to the work. Trainers will facilitate a space where participants gain knowledge and skills while also creating conversations for the unique challenges each community faces.


SARC Resources

The field of public health prevention is defined through three levels of intervention in a health problem. Based on when the intervention is used in targeting prevention of problem, they are:

  1. Primary Prevention: Approaches that are employed before any sexual violence has occurred to prevent initial perpetration and victimization.
  2. Secondary Prevention: An immediate response after sexual violence has been perpetrated.
  3. Tertiary Prevention: A long-term response after sexual violence perpetration.

SARC focuses on primary prevention in our education efforts. Secondary and tertiary prevention are taught at various points during the educational sessions and are not the primary focus. The programs aim to address attitudes, behaviors and beliefs regarding sexual violence in an effort to influence behavior and prevent perpetration from ever happening.

Effective prevention strategies are comprehensive—addressing the multiple levels of influence for sexual violence victimization and perpetration utilizing the social ecological model. SARC’s work considers risk and protective factors for the perpetration of sexual violence across the various levels of the ecological model.

These levels include characteristics of individuals, their relationships, the community and the society.
Examples of these strategies, at the various levels, are:


Teaching individuals what healthy sexuality & relationships look like and establishing norms around mutuality & respect.


Providing education on how to create supportive & trauma informed environments.


Forming larger groups of important community members & stakeholders that can promote general health & wellbeing in our community.


Working with institutions to influence policy & media changes that eradicate all forms of social injustice.


For more information on our program please contact sarc@sarcoregon.org

Check out the links below for organizations, videos, and other resources that address sexual violence prevention topics.

Podcasts That Raise Awareness On Sexual Violence and Challenge Harmful Norms

Featured in the Podcast:

Brooke Welter (she/her):
Community Education and Prevention Specialist at the Sexual Assault Resource Center-Oregon
Email: brookew@sarcoregon.org

Laurel Clohessy (she/her):
Youth Services Program Manager at Clackamas Women’s Services
Email: laurelc@cwsor.org

Arlo Rudy (he/him):
Youth Services Coordinator at Clackamas Women’s Services
Email: arlor@cwsor.org